We, the students of the state of California, have united under a cause that will benefit the entirety of our state. Students Against the Closure of California Parks carries the belief, and the principle that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposal to close the 48 state parks and beaches is biased and unjustified. We recognize economist predictions of financially detrimental repercussions if the governor is successful. We also believe that the perpetuation of these indispensable landmarks is vital to the preservation of natural beauty in our society today. These parks not only provide recreation for the citizens of California, they allow diverse natural habitats for animals, and provide them with safe haven from the stringent limitations that modern civilization has imposed upon nature. The goal of SACCAP is to prevent the closure of the 48 state parks proposed for termination. We will attempt to accomplish this by any means.


       SACCAP Buttons now available!
           See our merchandise page for details.

Email the governor to protest!:

Sign our student petition!
: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/SACCAP

We encourage you to post information about upcoming events and service opportunities for the park closest to you! Submit all information via email to TaliaL@wildwood.org
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